ring a ring o roses

ring a-ring o’ roses
baboons have big noses

hoo ha, hoo ha
they jump up and down


goosey goosey gander

goosey goosey gander where shall I wander
upstairs and downstairs, above and under

there i met a girl who couldn't climb the stairs
then she ran up when she saw the bears


humpty dumpty

humpty dumpty sat on a wall
humpty dumpty kicked a football

all the kings horses and men
couldn't find the football ever again


jack and jill

jack and jill went up a hill
to fetch a pail of water

jack cracked a joke
and jill rolled with laughter


rock a bye baby

rock a bye baby, on the tree top
when the wind blows, the monkeys will rock

when the tree shakes, the fruits will fall
and donkeys will eat them, seeds and all


ding dong bell

ding dong bell
water in the well

who put it in?
rain put it in

who pulled it out?
bucket pulled it out
